Urban Greens is an IGBC certified green development. A green invention uses less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier space for occupants. Urban Greens has been designed with care to have minimal impact on the environment.
This luxurious space is created by eminent architects. Urban Greens is meticulously planned to maximize space, comfort and style. The best of materials and fittings has gone into building your new home. The walls, doors and floors breathe elegance. Kitchens and bathrooms are fitted with best-in-class fixtures. Modernist leisure seamlessly merges with your dream.
Special attention has been advanced to incorporate features that ensure to conserve nature for the eventuality. A space that serves peace, harmony and encourages a pleasant atmosphere that ensures protection for all its tenants. These features include a sewage treatment plant, rainwater harvesting system, health garden, central lawn, use of recycled or eco-friendly material, high windows ensuring better views & cross ventilation.